Episode Transcript
[00:00:09] Speaker A: Welcome to the guide to Live. It's Wednesday, August 14, and this is your weekly hangout to join us to talk about live streaming with people who really know what it's like.
[00:00:19] Speaker B: Because let's face it, no one really knows what you're talking about if you say you're a live streamer.
[00:00:23] Speaker A: Yeah, but we do.
So in case you don't know, I'm Tara and across from me is my co host Ben. And along with special guest, we make up the guide to life team.
[00:00:34] Speaker B: Welcome in the fronk.
[00:00:36] Speaker A: Welcome in, Frank.
[00:00:36] Speaker C: Thanks for having me.
[00:00:37] Speaker A: You're our special guest today.
[00:00:38] Speaker B: This actually isn't the francs. First time doing this. We played at some podcasts. Well, we've been doing this a while.
[00:00:44] Speaker A: We've been doing these podcasts for a year too.
[00:00:47] Speaker B: We've done this some in person as well. We've done some that were so bad we never put them out.
[00:00:54] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.
[00:00:56] Speaker B: Really.
So it's been a, it's been a long journey to doing a lot of this stuff.
[00:01:02] Speaker C: Most live streamers don't know what you're saying because you don't have the option not to put it out when you do it live.
[00:01:07] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, that's very true. Somebody says, why is Frank on the bottom? Are we talking like that's a big question. Do you want to walk through while you're on the bottom?
[00:01:18] Speaker C: I thought that Ben's camera, you know, as a live streamer, you have to have an eye for the aesthetics images and I mean, look at the lighting and how crisp Ben's video is. And you know, Tara, of course, is going to be on top. She's the CEO. Yeah.
We were looking at this and it's like, frank should not, I mean, look at these images, you know. So I put me to the bottom and I want to be with the comment section. That's where I'm, you know, I'm a streamer.
[00:01:45] Speaker B: You're the common man. Yeah, yeah. That's what I always say. If you don't know the franc as a live streamer, he really does represent the common person.
Very unjudgmental, warm, inviting, you know, really like finger on the button. Yeah, buzzer.
[00:02:03] Speaker C: Absolutely.
[00:02:04] Speaker B: The buzzer button.
[00:02:05] Speaker C: Oh, I really do. As a. I feel that. I feel I'm in the audience. What do you want to see when you're. Yeah, when you're in the audience.
[00:02:12] Speaker B: That's really interesting.
[00:02:13] Speaker A: Out. Down in the, in the comment section. Because he's in the audience.
[00:02:16] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:02:16] Speaker A: He is hanging out right there.
[00:02:18] Speaker B: The guy in the middle. That's me. I'm Ben Heydeh. Hey. Jackson. Nice to meet you. It says my camera looks too professional and he'd normally scroll. Discuss.
[00:02:28] Speaker A: Okay, what does that mean?
[00:02:30] Speaker B: I'd love to know that a little more in your thinking there, Jackson. That really speaks to a lot of the things that we talk about.
[00:02:39] Speaker A: It proves the point.
[00:02:40] Speaker B: You're scrolling because it's too good.
[00:02:42] Speaker A: You're not scrolling because it's too good.
[00:02:45] Speaker B: Yeah, it's interesting.
[00:02:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Ben, does you have the best camera? For sure.
[00:02:50] Speaker B: Yeah, but I want to know why. Why would somebody scroll if it's too good? And I, I'm not questioning anything here in a negative way. I'm interested in it. And is it like your favorite indie band that you don't like it when they get too big?
[00:03:06] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:03:06] Speaker B: Is it that?
[00:03:07] Speaker A: Yes. No. I don't know.
I don't know. But I do relate to what you just said about the indie band.
[00:03:14] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:03:14] Speaker A: But I don't know if it's the same thing.
[00:03:16] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, and Jackson follows up. I'm here for the chaos, not the quality.
[00:03:20] Speaker A: Oh, okay.
[00:03:21] Speaker C: What if you had, I mean, those are two different things. Jackson, does the quality get in the way of the show or is it because the quality, you're like, this is not going to be the chaos that I'm looking for. This is.
[00:03:33] Speaker A: Yeah. Did you prejudge it because the quality is higher? You're like, this isn't going to be chaotic at all.
[00:03:38] Speaker B: Yeah. People are saying it looks unnatural, which is so interesting in that, like, what is natural is such a recent development.
[00:03:45] Speaker A: Does it look like it's like on tv?
[00:03:47] Speaker B: Yeah, because it's a recent development that we could even live stream by a cell phone. So at that point, that's when that's what became normalized. But really, we're talking what, two years, two, three years on this kind of.
[00:03:58] Speaker A: Live stream, this time with the vertical mobile device streaming.
[00:04:02] Speaker B: Yeah, live streaming, AIC. That's what it's all about. So we're here and we can start recording shortly. You'll see the timer in the middle when that goes to number twelve, Frank, you have yet to enjoy the excitement of the timer.
[00:04:16] Speaker C: It's my first time on God to live and I'm really happy to be here.
[00:04:19] Speaker A: We're glad to have you.
[00:04:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:04:20] Speaker A: Nice.
[00:04:22] Speaker B: Yeah, it looks like I'm on tv.
What is tv these days?
[00:04:26] Speaker A: You know, we have been saying since we've been working closely with TikTok and TikTok streamers is that this is the new form of entertainment. And if your entertainment typically comes on a television, and why not have the quality of what's on your phone the same as what's on your television?
[00:04:47] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:04:47] Speaker A: You know, at the Eric Andre show. That's chaotic. Yeah, it's on tv.
[00:04:52] Speaker B: It looks.
[00:04:53] Speaker A: It's not blurry. Right. We're just trying to put, like, those kinds of things on the app for you guys. So it's actually a jewel.
[00:04:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah. Yeah.
Jiffy says in advertising, the shift is coming back to where people engage with high quality. Have you noticed, you two, how there's maybe more engaging adverts on tv? I don't know. I don't really know your viewing with television.
[00:05:19] Speaker C: I don't watch it. But, you know, you'll see an ad that's. I had our Gen Z intern film this, and it's intentionally low quality. I think it's a really interesting point that Jackson added, but I still, as a live streamer, I have stuck with this, and you've heard me say it again and again. Quality is going to win. So I view that as a puzzle that Jackson gave. I would normally scroll quality. It's like, I think that can be solved. And the reason he's scrolling, I think can be overcome, but you got to have quality.
[00:05:48] Speaker B: Hey, Jackson never apologized. Any questions with this?
[00:05:51] Speaker C: Absolutely.
[00:05:52] Speaker B: When someone like you say that, it really interests us, because all of this is the balance between quality versus content versus quantity, though all of those things would be at maximum, and that's not possible right now. So we're trying. Yes. It's live trouble. Nice to meet you. Nice to see. Oh, nice to see you. It's trouble.
I miss. Miss. Read your name there.
[00:06:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I love trouble.
[00:06:20] Speaker B: Trouble is about to start a.
[00:06:22] Speaker A: Trouble's my middle name.
[00:06:23] Speaker B: A bi weekly, ongoing battle with Shadow Lily, NPC.
[00:06:28] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:06:29] Speaker B: By the way, I heard that there's going to be some punishments at the end. One of them will be buying the other one dinner, but, yeah.
[00:06:36] Speaker A: Congratulations, you guys. I'm excited to see what's happening. And this is, like, an ongoing thing that accumulates, correct?
[00:06:45] Speaker B: Yeah. I think they're going to do it.
[00:06:47] Speaker A: Through collecting, like, nuggets twice a week.
[00:06:49] Speaker B: And you get one for each win through the month.
[00:06:51] Speaker C: Well, Shadow Lily, you know, I remember when she joined Lou and started improving her stream, and, you know, that's all great. I'm so proud of her. Until she whooped me in a battle.
[00:07:01] Speaker A: She whooped me, and I was like.
[00:07:02] Speaker C: Hey, wait, what are we doing this for? Relax.
[00:07:05] Speaker A: What is that helped you yeah. What is that in like, do you remember like when Mister Mike, where the student becomes the master?
[00:07:12] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't want very much. Yeah, I don't like that.
[00:07:16] Speaker B: Yeah. So then you get into a weird cycle. You're now withholding information. It's like, don't talk to the front because he's going to tell you 90% of the stuff. Just, just in case you battle, just.
[00:07:24] Speaker A: In case you're better than him.
[00:07:26] Speaker B: It's all about ego to punch down. Thanks for joining the team, everybody.
Who's got the teammies? So far, I haven't seen them pop up.
[00:07:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. I haven't either.
[00:07:37] Speaker B: We have a running. Running. It's interesting whose head it goes on.
Yeah. Yeah.
[00:07:45] Speaker A: Tree, Michigan says Frank has helped so much. More than he knows.
[00:07:49] Speaker B: More than he knows.
[00:07:50] Speaker C: I don't know. That's, I think, pretty highly of myself, so. I don't know what you think you think I know.
[00:07:57] Speaker B: So, everybody, we are going to start recording our podcast as we do now, twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays. It's called the guide to live and it's where we talk about all things live streaming.
[00:08:09] Speaker A: All things live streaming.
[00:08:10] Speaker B: That could be. Sometimes it's techie, sometimes it's not techy, sometimes it's nerdy, sometimes it's just about the news and what's going on.
[00:08:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Sometimes it's just laughing, goofing off, joking around.
[00:08:22] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:08:22] Speaker A: You know, because sometimes, here's the thing, live streaming as a career is a very new thing. And you can't just go to your local like watering hole and talk shop about it with someone around the corner because nobody, chances are if you put in a room with 50 people, you might be the only one that is a professional livestreamer at this point in time. So this is kind of like your little watering hole to hang out. So we provide that space there.
[00:08:47] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:08:48] Speaker C: Can we please get to 10,000 likes? Please? I mean, I'm looking at this number, it's barely going up. Can you please tap the screen as you can? I bet each of you can get 100 taps in 30 seconds.
[00:08:57] Speaker B: I don't know if you actually, we didn't tell you about this before you came on, but we have been trying to, trying to get to 40,000 likes before the end of the podcast.
[00:09:06] Speaker A: Oh my God.
[00:09:07] Speaker B: And we have guaranteed that we will do the chicken dance.
[00:09:09] Speaker A: Yeah, we said we would do the chicken dance. Maybe the fronk will do the chicken dance.
[00:09:13] Speaker B: We'll make it fifty k and it's fifty k and you get the fronk.
[00:09:16] Speaker A: And you get the franc, too.
[00:09:17] Speaker C: Okay. I would appreciate.
[00:09:19] Speaker A: We're just going live.
[00:09:22] Speaker B: Yeah, whatever.
[00:09:23] Speaker A: Don't you do the chicken dance?
[00:09:25] Speaker C: It's a bit of a provocative dance, the way you drop it at the end of that.
[00:09:28] Speaker B: But it's a German. It's a German.
It's got an incredible history.
[00:09:33] Speaker A: I know.
[00:09:33] Speaker B: It's like an accordion guy in wasn't Germany, it was Switzerland.
[00:09:38] Speaker A: Yeah. And did you know it's not even a chicken? It's a duck, actually. That's why it goes.
[00:09:45] Speaker B: Yeah, it was.
But I'm saying you can upgrade your bet and make it 50k before the end of the live stream. And fronkhouse, has you heard him graciously.
[00:09:56] Speaker A: I just had the best idea for a new gift. Who wants to hear it?
[00:10:00] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:01] Speaker A: Okay. And it involves you. It involves the fronk. It involves you. Franc. Okay.
[00:10:05] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:05] Speaker A: It's you doing the chicken dance. Animated.
[00:10:07] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:08] Speaker A: And then you do your little butt wiggle with. When you get down low, like the Corgi booty.
[00:10:13] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:10:14] Speaker A: I mean, how many people. And let's. Let's see. How much do you think a gift like that would be worth?
[00:10:18] Speaker C: Well, if it's my gift, it's going to be. I'm talking hundreds of diamonds. Hundreds of diamonds.
[00:10:24] Speaker A: Hundreds of diamonds.
[00:10:25] Speaker C: Everyone, tag TikTok in the comment section, please. They need to hear about this. Pop in here, please. Tag every person.
[00:10:30] Speaker A: Yeah. What do you guys think about that gift? I mean, seriously, imagine you're in the middle of a battle and you're like. You're on the verge, and you get sniped that gift, and all of a sudden the chicken dance song comes on and fronks with any. Has these glasses on.
[00:10:44] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:44] Speaker A: By the way. And he just starts doing the chicken dance, like. And you see a little booty shaking and you're like, was that a corgi booty? No, no.
[00:10:51] Speaker C: Little booty.
[00:10:52] Speaker A: That was the fronky booty.
[00:10:54] Speaker C: Little booty.
[00:10:55] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:10:55] Speaker A: Your big old booty. How's that? Would you rather me say it would be your big voluptuous bow tie? Okay.
[00:11:04] Speaker B: You find out there's the one thing you learn from this is actually Frank really wants you to refer to his booty as voluptuous.
[00:11:11] Speaker C: I didn't want to say it. I don't even know how to say it. It's a big word.
[00:11:14] Speaker A: It is a big word. I don't even know where it came from, especially. I don't know. It just popped into my head.
[00:11:18] Speaker B: Yeah. I do want to address. There's sometimes some comments and we don't talk about this a lot.
What is happening with the ban and how are people preparing for it? And I just want to speak to that for just 30 seconds. First of all, I think we think beyond that, obviously what happens, happens and that no one has any control on our side. But live streaming isn't going away in this format.
[00:11:46] Speaker A: Nope.
[00:11:47] Speaker B: It works. People like it as viewers.
It works for the live streamers. So we're focusing on live streaming. Right. Live streaming isn't going away in the US. It's only getting larger in this format particularly as well. And we've said it multiple times and I won't go over it again, but we're talking about livestream, where there is engagement and we're talking as opposed to gaming, which is much more passive viewing. Right. So this is new, it's bigger in other territories. We're learning how to do it here in the US and like, that's just going to continue.
[00:12:21] Speaker A: I would like to say that the reason I agree with you and the reason that I back you up on that is because I've. I've witnessed some evidence and the evidence is like, typically, remember when short form first came out and it was like, first it was just like, ah, look at me. And then it was like, okay, I'm going to make like an actual thing. That's funny. And like put editing into it and all this stuff now. And then it was always in like landscape. Right, short form. Now, I've seen soap operas where people. It's like full on production and it's in vertical aspect and people say, oh, no one would ever watch it if it's in vertical. I mean, these things are like, they're big. They're like soap operas.
[00:13:03] Speaker B: What was the app that you were looking at?
[00:13:05] Speaker A: It wasn't it.
[00:13:06] Speaker B: It was an app.
[00:13:07] Speaker A: Oh, it was an app.
[00:13:10] Speaker B: Blue fact checking elf here. The app in question is called real short.
[00:13:15] Speaker A: Entertainment knows that people are on their, their mobiles more and they're not sitting stationary at home.
[00:13:20] Speaker B: You know, you can see yourself there, Frank, if you want to kind of align yourself in any way.
[00:13:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I wanted to check something interesting. I wouldn't mind getting back to that topic. But on an iPad, you know, it's different. And I noticed that it's a little harder to see, so I wanted to address that comment. But I think this is, this is good, right, for what it is.
[00:13:37] Speaker B: I think it is what it is. Like, it's fascinating. How do you do, like, these are all of the problems of the day, because we could do this with a switching camera.
But think about it from a live streaming perspective, where there's people arriving and what if I just happen to be speaking and there's no way to understand the wider context of what is going on, whereas this is clearer that there are three people talking.
[00:14:01] Speaker A: We're having a discussion, but maybe it.
[00:14:03] Speaker B: Isn'T the clearest in other ways because there's chat and stuff.
[00:14:06] Speaker A: And it's also weird because this format isn't typical for live streaming on this platform because it's usually multi guest formation. Not like this. This is different. So it is, it is. It's unusual.
[00:14:20] Speaker C: I think it's such an understatement to say that live streaming isn't going away. That doesn't nearly, like, capture the way that I feel about this. And it's so, so, so new.
And it's like the exact problem that you're talking about. Like Charlie Chaplinde, you know, when the video camera was, you know, invented, all these theater people were just aiming a camera at the stage and that was it. And that's what they thought. You know, they thought small. I mean, they were doing good, but it's like Charlie Chaplin came along and looked at this video camera and saw that it was, it had so much potential to tell a story and really innovated in so many different ways. And it's like, that's us right now with these three cameras kind of thinking about it. But these problems will be solved and we can't even imagine the innovation that's going to happen here. So I think it's so, so huge and so massive. What's coming with live streaming that I'm excited about?
[00:15:13] Speaker A: That's the perfect analogy.
[00:15:15] Speaker B: For real, though, because, like, that we're Charlie Chaplin.
[00:15:17] Speaker A: No? Yeah, we're Charlie Chaplin or the people that are on the app and they're engaging with, because I know for a fact, I've seen it. I've witnessed it over and over again. The whole thing with taking the camera and pointing it to the stage and thinking that's what people want because they come to the theater. Well, they come to the theater because there is more engagement in the theater than just watching it on a screen, right. Because you're there live, right. So they remove that thing and that's kind of what happens with a lot of, with some creators who are used to being on stage or being performers live. And then they, oh, I'm just going to live stream now or I'm just going to perform and just have the live stream on me while I'm performing, and it doesn't work. It doesn't work. You have to create a new show that hits all the little engagements that the app is designed for to get.
It basically translates to clapping, cheering lighters in the air, going and buying merch, telling their friends about the show. It's all those things. So it's just, you know, this is the new. We are the Charlie Chaplins. We're figuring it out.
[00:16:19] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Although somebody in the chat, I think Lee says that they think that John Lennon is here.
[00:16:28] Speaker A: John Lennon is definitely here in spirit.
[00:16:31] Speaker B: I think John Lennon down the bottom, if you just look through the chat, here he is, the live streamer.
He kind of disappeared and went into live streaming and stayed young forever.
[00:16:43] Speaker C: And another icon that did something innovative and took a platform and understood it deeper on what it could be and stretched that.
[00:16:52] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh, yes. Yeah.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: So I want to say this. I'm doing a quick alert to everybody in the room. We're talking seriously about live streaming, but I do want to point out there is a campaign running right now, um, that you can get TikTok. Swag from TikTok, right?
[00:17:08] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:17:08] Speaker B: Like, so many people come to us and they're like, can I get this? Or, like. And we've got mugs and books, and.
[00:17:15] Speaker A: We have some things we've collected over.
[00:17:18] Speaker B: The years, and sometimes we give them out as prizes and stuff. But you can get it straight from TikTok right now up in the banner. And you will have to, like, basically, here's the. Here are the goals. You have to go live for 20 days. So we're already 14 days into the.
[00:17:33] Speaker A: Month, 20 days out of the month, not 20 days in a row.
[00:17:36] Speaker B: So obviously, there's not enough time if you're going to start today, if you haven't streamed at all. But assuming you've streamed five, six days so far, you're in the running for this, and you've got to be getting team members. Here are the goals. 75 new team members, 150 gifts, any.
[00:17:52] Speaker A: Any gifts, any in that.
[00:17:54] Speaker B: So, basically, 150,000 gift goal for 150 roses, and then complete a hundred matches, and then they're gonna like, you do that and they send you swag.
[00:18:03] Speaker A: That's cool.
[00:18:04] Speaker B: Everybody is so cool.
[00:18:06] Speaker C: Swag suddenly is something they would say. I mean, it's a really valuable thing. Merch from TikTok, they used to only give that to you if.
[00:18:13] Speaker A: If you're at a live event.
[00:18:15] Speaker C: Yeah.
[00:18:15] Speaker A: If you're an in person event, or if you want a competition.
[00:18:18] Speaker B: Yeah, it's open to everybody. Tea leaf. Yeah, you just have to meet the requirements.
[00:18:24] Speaker A: You gotta be like, captain. Captain Eric. And meet the requirements.
[00:18:27] Speaker C: Yeah, I love merch. Like, I. I love the blue merch. I have. I love the tick tock merch. I think it's, like, awesome just to have that and kind of like, rep. It's so new. Like, nobody has, like, live streamer identification merch. I love working.
[00:18:39] Speaker A: And it's really funny because the, the team, the live, the TikTok live team, they, it's. They do the batches. They know what, what the merch is for and which. What each one represents. And then one of the. One day we showed up and Ben had a certain shirt on. He goes, or sweatshirt. And they say, oh, you must have been to such and such. And Ben was like, yeah, it was there. And they're like, yeah, you got the merch. You got the merch from there.
[00:19:02] Speaker B: There is a. There's a very rare, I think there were five or ten of them made TikTok live baseball caps. And Tara had one of those my heart sinks. We got left at a restaurant and we called them and they said, yeah.
[00:19:16] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll mail it to you.
[00:19:16] Speaker B: Yeah, we got it. We'll mail it.
[00:19:17] Speaker A: We'll mail it to you. Well, they never did. They went back and had dinner there, like, later.
[00:19:22] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:19:23] Speaker A: We went back another, like maybe a month later and had dinner there and had the same waiter, actually. And then right when they were coming to take. To get the bill or drop the bill off, Ben was like, yeah, I have a question.
Then they were like, we don't know anything about the hat.
[00:19:37] Speaker C: Yeah, it was USP's that stole it.
[00:19:42] Speaker B: They want it.
[00:19:42] Speaker A: It was. No, it was, you know, it is. It's. It's priceless.
[00:19:46] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:19:47] Speaker A: Like, it doesn't have, like, you can't really put a price on it because you can't buy it anywhere. Like, literally, it's. It's priceless.
[00:19:53] Speaker B: I'm going to do a quick interview. So last night, it was the totally awesome game show hosted by the franc, co hosted by Tara over there.
[00:20:01] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:20:03] Speaker B: How was it for you both? You were doing it on the road.
[00:20:05] Speaker A: First of all, we did it on the road. And it's always fun when you're traveling and you're putting on a show because it's like you're in a new place. It's like a puzzle. How am I going to set this up so it works and looks really good at the same time. So that was fun. But then it was also fun because I think everyone on the show last night, I mean, the play, the strategy that was involved and the underdogs made it to the top. Like, the people who had never been on the show before, Pat dizzle and Violet drink waves, both went straight to the top. And then Pat Dizzle won, and I was like, what? Because she said, I predict that I'm going to win tonight. And she was dead on. And it was just fun. There was a lot of laughs. There was, there was, like, a couple times I messed up on the, on the sounds, and I was like, oh, you know, that's just that.
[00:20:54] Speaker B: You were like, what? I was like, oh, no.
My favorite part was when someone got kicked out and you pressed the laugh button.
[00:21:03] Speaker A: I know. It was such. I felt so bad. It was an accident.
[00:21:07] Speaker B: So when the show's going on, I'll often be taking notes and, like, doing stuff off camera.
[00:21:12] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:21:13] Speaker B: And so I'm watching the show, but, like, stuff like that really makes me giggle when it goes wrong.
[00:21:19] Speaker C: But, yeah, I thought the show went great. You know, it's, it's really exciting, you know, just thinking, like, where the game show was, you know, a year ago, where it's going to be a year from now. It's obviously just going to be bigger and bigger. And we, like, we've, we know professionals in, like, Hollywood and in the industry that see this and are, like, shocked. They're like, this is incredible. Like, this has a ton of potential.
[00:21:45] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
[00:21:47] Speaker C: And, yeah, I think I just reflect on last night and, like, it's like, these are going to be the good old days and before it kind of.
[00:21:53] Speaker A: Explodes, and I know.
[00:21:54] Speaker C: I just love them.
[00:21:55] Speaker B: Yeah, we've done, we've done a version of that show for, what, a year? It's been a year off, or is it a year?
[00:22:01] Speaker A: No, it's been a year. It was last August we started doing this.
[00:22:04] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:22:05] Speaker A: And the iteration, I mean, if you. Well, you can go back and you can see on the totally awesome game show channel there's, like, the first video.
No, it wasn't. It was funny, but, you know, and this is also testament to, like, being consistent and sticking to something and throwing out what doesn't work and keeping what does work. We've refined it now to what it is now, this iteration, and I'm, like, really excited about what. How it's. How it's working.
[00:22:31] Speaker B: Yeah. I think Violet is right there with the, like, making it to live tv.
[00:22:36] Speaker A: I see that, too.
[00:22:37] Speaker B: But here's the thing. Here's the barrier. We've got to get over interaction on television.
[00:22:42] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:22:43] Speaker B: So when is that coming? Because you could put all of these live streams on tv, but they wouldn't work in the way that we know.
[00:22:50] Speaker A: It works because you're not chatting. You're not chatting with the community there.
[00:22:54] Speaker B: Yeah, it's.
[00:22:55] Speaker C: I think tv is going down. I think. I think we are. It's positioning yourself and getting ready for the upcoming wave.
[00:23:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:03] Speaker C: And that can be done on a big level with the totally awesome game show where it's a show where a lot of stars come on and we have these, you know, tell that. And upcoming guests are gonna be bigger and bigger.
[00:23:15] Speaker B: Yeah, it happened.
[00:23:17] Speaker A: It's happened before. I mean, like, radio. Like, tv killed radio, and now we're like, live streaming is killing tv.
[00:23:25] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:26] Speaker A: I want to sing the song.
[00:23:27] Speaker B: Yeah, sing it.
[00:23:28] Speaker A: You ready? I think I got it. Hold on.
Live streaming killed the television star.
What do you think?
[00:23:37] Speaker B: Yeah, it's good.
[00:23:38] Speaker C: I could tell the streaming services, too.
[00:23:40] Speaker B: Yeah, I could tell. Your mind was whirring there to get the.
[00:23:45] Speaker A: I was like, I need to get the right intonations and, like, the melody down at the right time.
[00:23:50] Speaker B: So I tend to agree with Jiffy a little in the chat here that I think the line will be blurred in that, like, so everyone has their television in the wall if you can interact with it. And I know. I think you may have one of these, those Frank, the scrolling things that you have in your finger. Yeah, yeah. So if you're able to control the television, you don't need to be touching the screen. You could be doing it remotely, and now you have it up on the screen. And actually, as we were walking around, we're in LA at the moment, and we're walking around at dinner last night, and I noticed twice as we were walking along, there were two apartments that I saw, and they both had podcasts on their television.
[00:24:30] Speaker A: Oh, they were watching podcasts, like, full.
[00:24:31] Speaker B: Screen on the television, which is. That's not a new thing at all. But the fact that that is on the tv, if we can start interacting with it, then you can be doing stuff like this on tv. Yeah, maybe.
[00:24:43] Speaker A: Yeah. And imagine, like, a tv that's, like, horizontal, and then you just push a button and it turns vertical.
[00:24:48] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:24:48] Speaker A: And then you can watch, like, it's compatible from mobile device to your tv and your front room.
[00:24:54] Speaker C: Yeah. I think I was saying, too, like, when the live tv comment came up, I was thinking positioning yourself well, as some new wave comes around, and it's like you just mentioned podcasting. What was Joe Rogan doing at the beginning of that? And he kind of saw the future a little bit. And I don't think there's ever been a more clear example of something based on other countries and just the trajectory and the finances. It's like, there is no better bet that you're going to get to make, I think, than live streaming going through this run over the next decade plus.
[00:25:29] Speaker B: I've got some, some Tupperware that I could sell you if you're talking, if you want, like, guaranteed income, go door to door.
[00:25:40] Speaker A: The days of that is gone. Going door to door.
[00:25:43] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:25:43] Speaker A: Instead, we're going screen to screen. Hello.
[00:25:48] Speaker B: Hello.
When Frank does that, that's what he's saying. He's saying. He's like a door to door saying.
[00:25:56] Speaker A: Hello.
No, but I. Who was it? Someone said it's like, it's like. Keeps people from being lonely. The interaction. I don't know who it was. Someone said that. I can't scroll back to find out who said that, but yes, it does. That's the difference between this type of entertainment as well. It's like you're hanging out. Like, we're all hanging out. Like, we're entertaining each other through conversation and, you know, like, we're have. We're putting on a show, too, but we're also talking to you right there. So you're here with us. You're literally right here.
[00:26:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:27] Speaker C: So princess Kay in the chat, somebody who we see get better and better every time we see her on live, she's crushing it on the game show.
[00:26:34] Speaker A: And every time, every time you're on the game show, Princess K, it's like you are more comfortable and confident because I know it's, it's nerve wracking when you first go on, but I feel like you're getting used to it and we're just seeing so much more of your personality come out, and it's amazing. And you are a star.
[00:26:49] Speaker C: I would say that for all the guests. Like, there's nobody I wouldn't say that to. Every time we see people on the game show, it's better and better. It's really great to see.
[00:26:56] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.
[00:26:57] Speaker B: That really just talks to experience, though. Right? The more you do something, the more reps you have it, the better you go.
[00:27:04] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:27:04] Speaker B: The better you can get.
[00:27:05] Speaker A: And tea leaf, I mean, I've seen you have blossomed from the beginning, like, from when you first got here to now. It's like leaps and bounds.
[00:27:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Beautiful, beautiful.
[00:27:18] Speaker A: Beautiful.
[00:27:18] Speaker B: We'll get you on the superstars game soon. Just keep going. That's it.
[00:27:23] Speaker A: You just gotta keep going.
[00:27:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Talking of which, we do have guest confirm, so there's gonna be two bigger shows coming up on the 20th and the 29th market in your diary. We'll do all the promo for it as well. But I'm giving everyone here a little heads up.
[00:27:39] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:27:39] Speaker B: Are you ready to do the intro just to play it all together?
[00:27:43] Speaker A: Give it to me. I can definitely do it.
[00:27:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I can do it. We'll do it without the music. Or maybe we could sing it for you.
[00:27:49] Speaker A: Let me just take a little sip of this.
[00:27:52] Speaker B: No, no.
[00:27:54] Speaker A: You're gonna throw me off. I don't even know what you. I don't even know what song that is. That's not a banger, dude.
[00:27:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
[00:27:59] Speaker C: My airpods in for that.
[00:28:01] Speaker B: Okay, we'll just.
[00:28:02] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm gonna put my noise cancellation airpods on.
[00:28:07] Speaker B: Second. John Lennon comment.
I'm collecting anyone who thinks that Frank's looking like John Lennon today. I'm collecting your name and putting him into a list of excellent people. So I want to run through some news with you all, which some people in this room are involved with. So I'm going to tell everybody what's going on, and maybe you can react in your most authentic way. Is that okay?
[00:28:31] Speaker A: Drum roll. Drumroll.
[00:28:32] Speaker B: So there's a lot coming up this drums in the chat on live at the moment. So, first of all, tomorrow, the live on air podcast that TikTok records with Carrington xx is being recorded. There's a new season back. This is season two. And the guests tomorrow night are one and only. Pierce, Serena. And the front.
Oh, yeah, that was genuine.
[00:28:57] Speaker C: That's how I react to things. That's my true voice.
[00:29:00] Speaker B: So is anyone in the chat seen any of the live on air podcasts? So, I mean, who would have thought it?
[00:29:06] Speaker A: Who would have thought of having a live podcast live on TikTok Live?
[00:29:11] Speaker B: Who would have thought of that idea?
[00:29:12] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know.
[00:29:15] Speaker B: I mean, you're going to be on it, so maybe you've got some insight.
[00:29:18] Speaker C: I don't know.
[00:29:19] Speaker B: I know. So I think it's going to be really fun.
[00:29:22] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:29:22] Speaker B: Very excited. You can tune in. You go to the TikTok live us account. You could probably subscribe. Actually. I take that back. You go to the banner right in the app right now. It says live on air. You scroll on it, you can register for the event. You can click on their faces. You can read a bit about the host, Carrington, who is a. I mean, social media phenomena, like, has done all sorts of different stuff. This is kind of like a foray into live for them. They did the first season. Live was new, actually. There's been some really big guests on the show, but not many of them have been live streamers. And I would say you and Pierre Serena are some of the largest streamers on there.
[00:30:04] Speaker A: That's pretty significant.
[00:30:05] Speaker B: Yeah. So what are you going to do? What are you going to say?
Do you want to just spend the rest of the time telling us what you're going to say?
[00:30:12] Speaker C: A lot of fun stuff. Like, everybody really should check it out.
[00:30:15] Speaker B: Watch the whole thing. Talking about other things coming up that are funny.
[00:30:22] Speaker A: Oh, yes. Yes. Laugh house.
[00:30:24] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:30:24] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:30:25] Speaker B: So laugh house, also in the banner right now, you can go register to be a contestant on it. And Laugh House is TikTok's biggest comedy festival that is happening within the app. And here's the thing. In other territories, comedy works really, really well on live because it's a. Because.
[00:30:45] Speaker A: Because of banter. Yeah.
[00:30:47] Speaker B: I mean, literally, you go to a comedy show heckling. Heckling, like talking backwards, and for you find someone to.
[00:30:52] Speaker A: Like, if you're the performer, you look in the audience to find someone to deliver your punchline to or make a joke out of. In the audience.
[00:31:01] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, so this has some big hosts. It's Trevor Wallace, Jaylen Sommers, Zach Justice, Kellen Campbell and Daniella Legada, who are all of, like, kind of. They're either up and coming comics, tv comics, short form comics.
[00:31:17] Speaker A: Yeah. I've seen Trevor. We've seen Trevor Wallace live at the Laugh factory.
[00:31:21] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:31:21] Speaker A: Like, legit.
[00:31:23] Speaker B: And you know what's cool about this? So if you go to the banner right now, if you're in there, you can go find the Laugh house banner. If you scroll all the way to the bottom of that banner, you'll see that blue shift is on there. Because we're a presentation partner. He's a partner, which means we are doing what we do best and what we love doing, which is doing the live content planning and the coaching. For Lifehouse.
[00:31:44] Speaker A: Yeah. For the life house. Laugh house.
[00:31:46] Speaker B: Yeah. In a live house. Amazing. So it's going to be really good fun. A lot of work ahead to do that. And it all culminates in a in.
[00:31:55] Speaker A: Person event in New York City at the New York Comedy Festival. And the winners get stage time to perform.
[00:32:04] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:32:05] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I'd like to see. I'd like to see the fronk up there.
[00:32:09] Speaker B: Yeah, that would be nice.
[00:32:10] Speaker C: Yeah. I was just at the funny bone.
[00:32:13] Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
[00:32:14] Speaker C: Recently.
[00:32:14] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:32:17] Speaker C: Josh Wolf, comedian. He's got millions of followers on TikTok and other platforms.
Invited me to be a part of it through Josh Nassar, but, yeah, kind of jumped on stage, did some. What would you call it? Like a. Like a stunt? Like a publicity stunt or kind of like a. You know, I didn't do five minutes. You know, I did something, so I'll have footage posted on that account.
[00:32:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I would love to keep your powder dry on what you did.
[00:32:44] Speaker A: Some physical comedy going on up there, I take it.
[00:32:46] Speaker C: Yeah, some physical comedy and. Yeah, yeah, I think it'll just speak for itself.
[00:32:50] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:32:51] Speaker C: Be better to see it.
[00:32:52] Speaker B: How did it feel going on stage, having not been on, because you used to do, like, stand up and open mics quite a bit, and you focused on live streaming. How did it feel getting up on a real.
[00:33:03] Speaker C: You know, I think that's part of the lesson here, is that I found stand up comedy very difficult. And although it was. It was quite comfortable going back on stage, it never. I always felt nervous, and my comedy, I felt like. I think I always had a sense of humor, but I found it very difficult to get on stage and just kind of talk and make funny for five minutes.
But live streaming, after some attempts, became kind of natural. So I tried something, and I didn't really succeed at it, even though I tried for years at stand up comedy and then came to live, and I was able to do it. And live is just a more, like, versatile platform. So, anyway, so I think I've, you know, gaining confidence on live because you can do anything and try anything to make, you know, to do something valuable for the audience. Going back in had a lot of confidence, and it went a lot better. So I got a lot of laughs. Like, little bits got, like, roars of laughter in the audience. I'll show you on rolls.
[00:33:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I know.
[00:33:57] Speaker C: I would say so.
[00:33:58] Speaker B: Like, belly laughs.
[00:33:59] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:33:59] Speaker C: People freaking out.
[00:34:00] Speaker A: That's awesome.
[00:34:02] Speaker C: It's a crazy feeling. But you know what? I. There's. I think a lot of stand up comedians feel that it's so important to feel the echoing laughter from the dark room in a comedy club, and I think they just can't. Like, sometimes it's. They got to get over the hump that people writing the skull emoji and the crying emoji. It. You can get that feeling from it. You just have to feel it after a while.
[00:34:23] Speaker A: It's the translation. It's. It translates to that.
[00:34:26] Speaker C: It's the same to me now. Like, I feel that dopamine when people are laughing and, you know, it's just like comment after comment of people crying and it's the same thing. It feels great. People just can't get over that. And I think that that stops them from having a lot more success.
[00:34:39] Speaker B: Right.
[00:34:39] Speaker A: Well, I've note, I've noticed you've said several times about the beautiful thing about doing your comedy on live streaming is that you can rehearse over and over again. Like when you do it, like when you do it on the street, like when you're pounding the pavement, hitting the circuitous, you get five minutes and then that's it till the next time. And with, with live streaming, you can go on, you can see it in real time, how and improve in real time and really hone in on your, on your skill.
[00:35:03] Speaker C: Just the numbers of, if you were to do an open mic, let's say you got to two open mics tonight, that is at least 3 hours of work. Because to be polite in the industry, you need to listen to other comedians co op. You can't just do your set and leave. You got to listen to the same comedians who you heard tell the same jokes again and again. And you're practicing for ten minutes that night.
[00:35:22] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:35:22] Speaker C: Versus the live streamer for those 3 hours spent. All of them practice, practice, practice. One of those things a year from now will have complete. I mean, if you graph that out, it's not even close.
[00:35:33] Speaker B: So, yeah, yeah, just a numbers game. And then it's not only that you're getting five minutes on stage, then you're getting in a car or jumping in a subway, or however, getting on your bike and like going across town to another comedy club to get your next.
I mean, so my friends back in the UK, several of them comics, and having watched them develop over time, like from the very beginning, they would do that. Not five minutes, they would do like 15 minutes or 20 minutes, but do two or three of those back to back. And it was incredibly hard work. But the cumulative time that they were doing, their skill or their craft added up to whatever it was, 30 minutes on that day.
[00:36:17] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:36:17] Speaker B: Is what you're able to do.
[00:36:18] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:36:18] Speaker B: It's not to say that either is Betty is better, it's that this just gives you. Yeah, it's Betty.
[00:36:26] Speaker A: It's so betty, it gives you more.
[00:36:29] Speaker B: Chance to just do it faster.
[00:36:30] Speaker C: Yeah, well, your hard work should be aimed at the thing that makes your life better. So working hard doesn't matter to success. It doesn't matter how hard you worked. It matters, like, the efforts going into the actual thing that you're getting better at. So all, it is hard to get on a subway and go and you have to buy a drink when you're there. Like, there's all these costs in not to just make it about stand up. It's anything that you're doing, you know, if you're doing music, like, it's. Yeah, you got to get your equipment to the next place.
[00:36:55] Speaker A: This just tells me, like, listen, this is where my nursing preceptor, when I was training on the floor from like, precept. Preceptor is someone that you follow. You shadow this nurse, and you basically work with them and they just kind of break you into the unit, get you used to it to, like, how the culture is there and how the procedures work in the sops and all that jazz. Yes.
[00:37:17] Speaker B: Nurse K.
[00:37:20] Speaker A: So she said to me, work smarter, not harder. And that stuck with me. And I think that that really ties into what you're saying because, like, think about it. If you got to go all do all these things, like, one's not better than the other, but sometimes it's like, do you want to save time? Do you want to spend money on a drink? Do you want to sit there and listen to the same jokes over and over again? Work smarter, not harder.
[00:37:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:37:41] Speaker A: You know.
[00:37:41] Speaker B: Yeah. You could spend 3 hours traveling and exactly 20 hours practice time or 3 hours live. Yeah, practicing.
[00:37:48] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:37:49] Speaker C: We kind of fall into these little traps, and one of those traps would be thinking that because I'm working so hard as a stand up comedian, that's equating to success. But you have to really, like, get out of your head and think, like, well, what am I, like, what is the effort going towards?
[00:38:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:38:03] Speaker C: And is it? Yeah, like, it's just live streaming is like the cleanest version of that, like, effort. Put in, benefits out.
[00:38:10] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And by the way, I just want to, I want to note we're almost there. We got 1000 likes to go. I think we're going to be doing the chicken dance. Better. Start limbering up. Get ready.
[00:38:20] Speaker B: I'm going to keep going down news here as well. There's one final big thing coming up is also in the TikTok, also in the Tick Tock banner as well. Camp tick tock. So if anyone. Hey, anyone remember community Fest was going on. You might have heard. You might have heard community fest was happening the last couple of weeks. This is basically the grand prize. The winners and they're doing Camp TikTok and 30 invited creators who competed in the community fest. And there's going to be Captain Eric.
[00:38:53] Speaker A: Two of our blue crew there.
[00:38:54] Speaker B: In terms of watching the event, there's going to be a lot of live streaming going on and I think there'll be some official TikTok stuff, but there's going to be Captain Eric and Pierre Serena both going to be there, so you can watch that event through their lens.
[00:39:06] Speaker A: Yeah, I heard there's major glamping going.
[00:39:09] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:39:10] Speaker A: Major luxury glamping.
[00:39:12] Speaker B: We've seen. We've seen some pics and they are definitely camping.
[00:39:16] Speaker A: They're gonna be.
[00:39:17] Speaker B: I don't think. I don't think it's as glamping as. As you're thinking.
[00:39:21] Speaker A: I mean, it's not in a tent. It's not in a. It's not like Crystal Lake style, I'll tell you that much.
[00:39:27] Speaker C: It's better than that.
[00:39:29] Speaker B: It's Betty than that.
[00:39:30] Speaker A: Thank you much, Bettye.
[00:39:32] Speaker B: Yeah, and it'll be raining. It'll be like Glastonbury festival, if anyone. If anyone.
[00:39:38] Speaker A: Tea wetty. Wetz the bed.
[00:39:40] Speaker B: Anyone knows Glastonbury festival in the UK is renowned for just being, like, a.
[00:39:44] Speaker A: Mud bath every time she got a yurt.
[00:39:46] Speaker B: Unless you got a yurt. But even then you get mud comes.
[00:39:50] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:39:50] Speaker B: These are not, like, nicely put up yurts by someone who knows to put up a yurt. This is put up by someone who's put up 200 yurts and you get the one that.
[00:39:59] Speaker A: You get the 199th that got put up.
[00:40:02] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, this might be it. Mike's right. Mike. Peace. Is. It might be the OG Woodstock.
[00:40:07] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:40:07] Speaker B: Yeah. If I'm.
[00:40:08] Speaker A: Yeah. So I would say follow those creators because they will be live streaming. I'm pretty darn sure. And you'll get to get an inside look at what's going on there.
[00:40:18] Speaker B: So lots coming up this week on with Live. The laugh house is kicking off. Go register for it now.
Watch us get involved with that as well. We'll show as much of that journey as we can show, as well as we work with everybody.
And obviously camp TikTok, too, as well. Just keep an eye on what's going because it's fun to know, like, a lot of these competitions, it's like, what was the price? Now you get to see what the price.
[00:40:41] Speaker A: Now you get to see. Yeah. And then you get a little fomO. Like, I could have been a contender.
[00:40:46] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:40:46] Speaker C: You should be, like, aiming at that, too. Like, if that wasn't in the cards this time around. It's like you should have a better and better sense of, like, what is this actually? Like when Kia Serena is going on this journey? Like, yeah, she's taking you on it. You can see every step of it.
[00:40:59] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:41:00] Speaker B: And I will say as well, motivation, the importance of that kind of event as well. So while that's fun and you go and you do something fun, like, I know, like, all of those creators I saw on the list as well, there's like, jungle skipper is going to be there, cedar couple, like real, like solid live streaming stars.
[00:41:17] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:41:18] Speaker B: But everybody I know is prepping what content that they're gonna do beforehand, what they're gonna do there. Maybe, maybe some collaborations and stuff and then just leaving space for other things to happen.
[00:41:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean, it shows, like, the professional side of what they're doing. It's like they're going in there with plans. Like, they've already, like, coordinated with other creators to collaborate. You have plans leading up to it. So it's really exciting. And it just goes to show you, like, that is the cherry on top of, of going through and, like, pushing really hard and getting in, like, hey, community, I want to take you with me. And, like, they're getting to take their communities with them.
[00:41:55] Speaker B: So, I mean, that's really the secret as well. I think all of those people, it's like, I'm going to take you there. No one, no one presented, like, going to camp tick tock is like, get me there.
[00:42:05] Speaker A: Right?
[00:42:06] Speaker B: I've never seen any of the people who are there. It's like, get me there. It's like we're all going to go together and I will be the, I'm the camera for this event. This is how it works.
[00:42:16] Speaker C: Captain Eric is. Stands out as an example of somebody who does that really well. It really takes the audience on a journey.
[00:42:23] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:42:23] Speaker C: I remember the first time meeting Captain Eric was back in that, the blue event in Richmond on a rooftop party.
[00:42:31] Speaker A: The rooftop party.
[00:42:32] Speaker C: Captain Eric coming in dressed as a.
[00:42:34] Speaker A: Pirate, screaming with the freaking life vest on.
[00:42:37] Speaker C: Life vest on. With a whole, like a really unique way of holding the camera. It was a whole, it's like a dongle. Yeah, it was something. But I mean, it really stood out. And it's like, that's a, that's a star right there. Like, that's really cool to see in the confidence, too.
[00:42:52] Speaker A: We saw him earlier that same day. Ben and I were running and getting last minute things because we were, you know, putting the party together and we saw him walking down the street and I yelled at them.
And I don't know if he knew it was us or not, but I have to believe that he did.
[00:43:07] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:43:08] Speaker A: Thanks for the blue hearts, guys.
[00:43:09] Speaker B: So it's time for question of the day.
So the question of the day is actually by me today.
[00:43:19] Speaker A: Ooh.
[00:43:20] Speaker B: And it's a question that's in the Bluepro discord running at the moment. But I want to ask you both this question. So here it is.
If you were only allowed to go live for 1 hour per day, like that was the rule on the app.
[00:43:35] Speaker A: You have a ration of 1 hour.
[00:43:36] Speaker B: A day, how would it change your approach to going live?
[00:43:42] Speaker A: A lot, I think.
[00:43:44] Speaker C: I think I'm a funny case for this because I've always aimed to have the most dense live as possible. I generally don't. I mean, things change over time, but I've never really been the one to hang out for 3 hours and kind of be relaxed. I'm screaming and doing high energy where I compress it into an hour.
So it's a bit hard for me to answer. But I mean, it would be the same deal. It would be, how can I compress more the value so that there's more excitement, more happiness that my audience feels in a shorter amount of time.
So I guess preparation and just trying to think, what did somebody get out of watching my three hour stream? And how can I shrink the cycle time and all that to make it or just happen quicker, faster, more exciting?
[00:44:30] Speaker B: Yeah, it removes the idea of any kind of buildup as well.
So if you have, let's say you went live every day, that's not realistic. But if you were to go live every day, you'd only get 7 hours of live streaming in that period. In that period, you probably do less. So it's like, how would you maximize that time? I think I just saw someone in the chat say that they would, they're a gaming streamer and they would just go straight into the meat of the game.
[00:44:59] Speaker A: Like the most compelling part where everyone would really want to watch it. Yeah, that's a good idea.
[00:45:05] Speaker C: And then just do that now.
[00:45:06] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:45:07] Speaker C: Like, you are not restricted by 1 hour, but also start your stream with the most intense part, perhaps. I mean, that might not totally be.
[00:45:16] Speaker A: The answer, but I think that is a great point you just made. I mean, if you only had 1 hour to do it well, pretend that every day and then do that and see what happens.
[00:45:27] Speaker C: That was the first piece of advice that when I joined blue, I don't know, several years ago.
[00:45:33] Speaker B: It's a decade ago.
[00:45:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:45:36] Speaker C: That was the moment that I joined blue, and I realized, because, you know, I was just a creator, you know, I wasn't part of the team, but I realized, like, oh, this is legitimate because you guys.
And, you know, I was in some blue class, and the advice was something like, when you start your stream, you get the best FYP push that you ever get and go as if you're 20 minutes warmed in. It's the most exciting, compelling part. It's kind of like the way the discovery algorithm works is people are just scrolling around anyways. It's not so important. The timing of when it happens, do the most interesting part. And then I went and tried that, and I've been known to be able to really push the FYP reach and get a lot of viewers. And especially over time, there were certain times where I was doing that really well, and that piece of advice really kicked off a lot of that kind of that intensity at the beginning. So.
[00:46:24] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:46:25] Speaker C: Thanks again. Appreciate it.
[00:46:26] Speaker B: Someone else in the chat, they're saying that they would just immediately have improv set up chaos ready to go.
[00:46:35] Speaker A: Ready to go, yeah.
[00:46:36] Speaker B: Which chaos takes a minute to build up. So I think that's part of the planning here. How would you plan it? And it's like you'd need to make sure it was set up so that the event was happening within the first five minutes of you getting live, which is hard to do, and you solve that.
[00:46:51] Speaker A: Kind of ironic when you say it's like the chaos takes a lot of planning.
[00:46:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, it's a framework, isn't it?
[00:47:00] Speaker A: No, it is. It definitely is.
[00:47:01] Speaker B: It's definitely not.
[00:47:02] Speaker A: It's an execution.
[00:47:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:47:04] Speaker A: I would say, like, you. You want to make. Anytime you have to execute anything, right? You want to make sure that the proper planning is because you want to make sure. You want to think about all the little things that might be a hiccup in the way. Like an echo, for example.
[00:47:18] Speaker B: It's like going to a party, like the best party you've ever been to, where it's, like, chaotic, and then suddenly you're over here watching fireworks, and then there's this, and then there's food, and then there's a band playing, and then someone jumps in the pool, like, with all their clothes on, like those things to the participants feel like they're happening naturally, but there's actually a lot of work going behind the scenes from the organizer or whoever it is, to make it feel chaotic and freeform as well. And it's all about the framework. Like, how do you frame it? And what are the boundaries? Because the party would be no fun if you were like, this is so crazy. I'm just going to take all my clothes off and jump off the roof.
That isn't in the rules of the game.
[00:47:59] Speaker A: Biggest splash.
[00:48:00] Speaker B: That would end the party. So knowing those frameworks and having rules or I. Or things in place so, you know, the limits allows the chaos to happen. It's like going into the octagon.
You don't fight outside the octagon, do you?
[00:48:17] Speaker A: No.
[00:48:18] Speaker B: Do you?
[00:48:18] Speaker C: No, not me.
[00:48:19] Speaker A: No. There's boundaries. It's inside the octagon. Yeah. Unless it's, you know.
No, you have to be inside.
[00:48:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I think so. Some of those ones you can jump out the ring. I don't know enough about those, um. Those, uh, those slight fighting games. Yeah, I know you know a little about them.
[00:48:39] Speaker C: You think, like, pro wrestling.
[00:48:41] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:48:41] Speaker C: They will fight outside.
[00:48:43] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:48:43] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:48:43] Speaker A: But that's a.
That's not like the octagon. That's the octagon's real fighting, isn't it?
[00:48:49] Speaker B: The spectacle?
[00:48:50] Speaker A: Um. Yeah, it's definitely the spectacle. Yeah, it is. That's part of it. It's the lab. The elaborates. The elaborate.
[00:48:58] Speaker B: So why do they do that? Let's break it down. Why are they doing that? Why. Why did they jump out the ring and start fighting on the floor in front of the spectators?
[00:49:07] Speaker A: I think it was engagement, wasn't it? It's like. It's kind of like talking to the audience a little bit. It's like getting the audience more involved, but like bringing the. Bringing the stage down to where the audience are. It's like being physically closer to them.
[00:49:20] Speaker B: Yeah. Somehow being part of it. You're on camera as well.
[00:49:23] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:49:24] Speaker B: So it makes it more valuable sitting closer, especially when the.
[00:49:27] Speaker A: When the recaps come on and you're like, there I am. Look, look.
[00:49:30] Speaker B: You may get to see the sweat dripping down a svelte body.
[00:49:35] Speaker C: Now you got me. Now I'm intrigued.
[00:49:38] Speaker B: Tight around the buttocks. And they're busy.
[00:49:41] Speaker A: Voluntuous buttocks.
[00:49:45] Speaker B: What's it? Suplex? Is that a move?
[00:49:48] Speaker C: That's a move, yeah.
[00:49:49] Speaker B: Doing a suplex right in front of you. Like, you pay more for those seats.
[00:49:52] Speaker A: I don't know any of this. The only moves I know are the half Nelson and the full Nelson.
[00:49:56] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:49:56] Speaker C: I think a suplex is where you sleeper from behind and then you jump backwards and they land on their head.
[00:50:03] Speaker B: Nice. Nice move. Very violent.
[00:50:06] Speaker A: It's all planned out. It's not real.
[00:50:07] Speaker B: What?
[00:50:08] Speaker A: Choreography.
[00:50:09] Speaker B: What?
[00:50:09] Speaker A: It's choreography.
[00:50:11] Speaker B: I don't believe you.
[00:50:13] Speaker A: But they, you know, thank God. It's like if we did. If you did pro wrestling online on TikTok Live, you'd have to say, this is choreography. It's choreography.
[00:50:22] Speaker C: You just can't.
[00:50:23] Speaker A: It wouldn't work.
Two of the features are real. One of them is fake. Fake, fake, fake.
[00:50:31] Speaker B: It's time to play feature or fake. All right, with the two of you, I'm conscious of time, so we're gonna go straight into this. So if everyone needs a recap of the rules, feature or fake? I'm gonna give you three features that appear on the TikTok platform. Two of them are real, one of them are fake. Let's get into it. So here we go. You know, live photos on the iPhone?
[00:50:53] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:50:53] Speaker B: You can turn any TikTok video into a live photo.
The moving videos in just two clicks. That's feature number one. Number two, you can add up to four social links in your bio. So you can do ig, YouTube, lemonade, and Facebook. And they appear up in your bio, or number three on your profile. You can change the order of the displayed information, and by that, I mean the information at the top where it has the little red logos next to it. So, like, events, links to social shop, you can change the order of how they're displayed. So those are your three complicated.
[00:51:32] Speaker A: Can you like, create, like, choose the orientation, basically, is what it is. Choose the orientation of how your little icons are presented on the bio?
[00:51:41] Speaker B: Yeah, you can, you can move social first and you have, you can basically.
[00:51:45] Speaker A: Like, kind of like when you move your tabs.
[00:51:47] Speaker B: Yeah, kind of like moving tabs.
[00:51:49] Speaker A: You can move your tab of your. Yeah, move your tabs.
[00:51:51] Speaker B: Let's do a quick tab check. Who in the chat doesn't close their browser tabs. Can I get a hands up if you've got more than ten tabs open at a time?
[00:52:03] Speaker A: No.
[00:52:03] Speaker B: What do you mean? God, no.
[00:52:05] Speaker A: What?
[00:52:06] Speaker C: Just what I'm using.
[00:52:07] Speaker B: So you close down your tab.
[00:52:11] Speaker C: I have organized bookmarks for the things so I can quickly reopen them.
[00:52:16] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:17] Speaker C: And then.
[00:52:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I just clean and close them up. Okay. It seems like you're rare going by the chat.
[00:52:23] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know.
[00:52:24] Speaker C: Desktop look like.
[00:52:26] Speaker A: My desktop looks nice.
[00:52:28] Speaker C: I've got no icons.
[00:52:30] Speaker B: No icons. I have no icons. But I use screenshot a lot for capturing ideas and making notes on them. And it all goes onto my desktop. And then I clear them out systematically once a week, so it's like, I have notepads, notes all over the table, and then I clean them.
[00:52:47] Speaker A: I'm not organized at all.
[00:52:49] Speaker B: I'll just tell you that none of it's organized.
[00:52:52] Speaker A: No.
[00:52:53] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:53] Speaker A: And I've tried. Lord knows I have. I've been trying for years. It ain't gonna happen. I give up.
[00:52:59] Speaker B: Okay, let's do this. Let's, um. Uh. Let's have a look.
I'm actually going to come to territory. Start to give us answer. All right, let's have it, Terra.
[00:53:11] Speaker A: Okay. I think the video to live is fake.
[00:53:15] Speaker B: You think the video to live is fake?
[00:53:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Because you said with this two, you're very specific about two clicks. And I think that's. That's suspicious to me. I've been doing this a while. I listened for little, like, hints, and that's what I think. I think it's fake.
[00:53:29] Speaker B: Okay, very good. Okay.
[00:53:31] Speaker A: I could be wrong.
[00:53:32] Speaker C: I agree with that logic. And to boldly say two clicks is very specific. And also, I think I could probably fight you on it because it's like, well, you got to open the app. You got to take the photo.
[00:53:41] Speaker A: Right.
[00:53:42] Speaker C: You know, encapsulate that all in two clicks. So I'm tempted. But I think the second one, I know that lemon something is an option.
Four sounds high to four different because it's like you get the, you know, a down arrow. I think I agree. To be fun, I will say number two is fake. I know you can reorder the tabs. Yeah, but I'm right in between the first and the second one. The two clicks is suspicious. I'm going to go with the second option is fake, though.
[00:54:10] Speaker B: Okay, very interesting.
[00:54:11] Speaker A: We know your vote is number two.
[00:54:13] Speaker B: There is a split between terror and the fronk. Let's get through onto the results of the poll. Let's hear it.
Okay. It is kind of a lamb slide.
[00:54:25] Speaker A: A lamb slide.
[00:54:26] Speaker B: A lamb slide.
[00:54:27] Speaker C: That sounds good.
[00:54:29] Speaker A: Like lamb sliders.
[00:54:30] Speaker B: The audience has selected social links in the bio as being the false one that you can't have that. Number two. That you can't have it. So I'll go through the results here. We'll do it in order. So the live photos, is that real or is that a fake? That is real.
[00:54:48] Speaker A: Foiled again.
[00:54:49] Speaker B: The one that terra picked was real. Two clicks. Two clicks. You can do it in two clicks.
Number two, social links in the bio, you can add up to four. Ig, YouTube, lemonade. And Facebook is the fake. Yeah, because you can add three. You can't add Facebook, but you can.
[00:55:09] Speaker A: Yeah, of course.
[00:55:10] Speaker B: And actually, I will say I had this question in here, and it said, for Instagram, YouTube, lemonade, and Discord, which was wrong until I opened up live studio this morning and it introduced. You can now add discord into your bio.
[00:55:24] Speaker C: Oh, wow.
[00:55:25] Speaker B: Today. Oh, I need to get that. Yeah. Everyone should go there and write it.
[00:55:29] Speaker A: Put it in your bio.
[00:55:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Which means that you can change the order of your information. You can just go in there, into the bio, and you can drag which order you want it. So if you want your events there, right up on the front. That's better.
[00:55:42] Speaker C: There are people for two minutes now waiting for the punch up. I'm highly concerned about the people.
[00:55:48] Speaker A: We got to do the chicken dance. No, we have to do the chicken dance. We promise.
[00:55:53] Speaker C: If there's not enough time, we can't. I mean, it just.
[00:56:03] Speaker B: You don't know how to do it.
[00:56:04] Speaker A: No, no, no.
[00:56:08] Speaker B: Bye bye, everybody. Thanks so much for hanging out with us.
[00:56:13] Speaker A: I haven't done it since my kids were little. That's been a long time.
[00:56:16] Speaker C: Easy as dance.